Productive Habits To Start Doing Right Now

Rising through levels after you start being productive.

Avoiding bad habits is half the battle; the other half is starting the correct habits. Once you learn to do both, you can double down and be more productive. But before that, here are three things you can start doing to be on the right path!

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Three Things To Start Doing:

  • Specialize in some areas
  • Learn from the best
  • Become more independent

Specialize In A Few Areas

Your success is directly proportional to the amount of value you create. The more specialized you are, the more value you can provide whenever your skills are needed. Keep specializing to the point that you become a go-to person whenever your topic comes up!

Develop Core Skills

Once you have found what you want to specialize in, figure out what skills you need to be successful. If you have no free time, learn time management. If you need to improve at public speaking, practice by having conversations with strangers. General skills like these are essential for a solid foundation.

Learn From The Best

By learning from the best source of information, you ensure learning the things that matter. Create a relationship with a skilled individual, expand your social network, and avoid learning from different sources. Focus on learning from one person/source so that you can fully take in their knowledge instead of half learning from two or more.

Become More Independent

Don’t let others around you hinder you from growing! Being responsible for yourself and others will give you a perspective you can’t find elsewhere. You won’t be able to help others when needed if you can’t make the best of yourself first.


Whenever you consider starting, wait before going all out, or you’ll risk burning out. Use your note app on your phone or an old-school Post-it to keep track of your progress. Remember, we have two goals: effortlessly doing productive habits and avoiding the bad habits, which you can review here.

Best Regards,


This information comes from the book, The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch. I do not own any of it and am summarizing the information provided.



